美白淡斑霜 瑞士百年科研 CH-4012

美白淡斑霜 瑞士百年科研 CH-4012

Brand 品牌: Medosan
Product Code貨品號: CH-4012
In Stock可訂購
Price價目: HK$382.00











可持續護膚大趨勢:鋁管護膚品(Aluminum tube) ,讓你踏上環保護膚先驅第一步。Plastic Free!無塑!

*主要成份含阿魏 (Ferula Foetida/Asafoetida):具有很強的抑制酪胺酸脢作用,酪胺酸脢能使Dopa(多巴)變Dopaquinone(多巴醌)時抑制增生,黑色素的生成就會受到減弱, 使皮膚的顏色變得白皙、膚色均勻。深入激退黑色素,消退大面積色斑。

最獨特之處是性質極溫和,中度保濕;不會像一般去斑產品,經常引致敏感脫皮。 配合高濃度維他命C及E衍生物,具有非常好的預防氧化、自由基形成的功效,維持組織新陳代謝正常,保濕、維持結締組織 (connective tissue),針對肌膚因環境日晒造成的老化現象有良好的預防效果。

SOD 防色素沉澱。



Fade away age spots and blemishes
Suitable for hands and face
Gentle and effective--no rubbery residues as an excellent makeup base.
Natural ingredients.

Mild natural ingredients and high-tech molecular composition provide good moisture for all parts of the body.

As the ingredients are natural, the smell may differ between batches slightly, but the effect remains the same.

Age Blemish Cream - Natural Age Spot Treatment 

Even the best dietary and exercise regimes, designed to keep our body and skin youthful, can be sabotaged by the ageing effect of skin blemishes and liver spots. A natural reduction in the body's metabolism as we grow older allows waste in the skin to linger and eventually interact with oxygen to cause these tell-tale signs emerge. Now we have developed a natural based remedy that has combined herbs and an active agent from Chinese medicine that prevents the oxidation occurring. Natural and safe for all areas Medosan will fade away age spots and blemishes that can spoil what the diet and exercise have achieved. 

With the natural active ingredient Asafoetida, long known in Chinese herbology, daily massage into the hands and face will cause blemishes to disappear. Asafoetida inhibits tyrosinase, an enzyme causing DOPA to convert to dopaquinone, and thence to melanin. The skin is thus gently kept moist, radiant and evenly-toned; there are none of the usual worries about allergic flaking.

Satisfied Customers 

"Excellent product. I was very sceptical about it, but decided it was worth a try. I had age spots on both hands (and I'm only in my 40s!!). I needed very little of the cream to cover the backs of both hands, and I started noticing results after I'd used about a quarter of the tube (probably would have been quicker if I'd been more disciplined about applying it). Once the fading became noticeable, it then seemed to happen much more quickly. Even as a hand cream, it's a good buy - very light, non-greasy, lovely scent, but it does actually do what it says on the tube." B. French 

"I regularly buy this product for my father and he will use nothing else. Excellent cream and he has recommended it to all his friends." Mrs T Stavrou




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