FR-1006 超級瘦Slim Reduce

FR-1006 超級瘦Slim Reduce

Product Code貨品號: FR-1006
In Stock可訂購
Price價目: HK$1,688.00

                 FR-1006 超級瘦Slim Reduce 5 in 1                               180粒 法國製造   

*先進減肥產品:德國及瑞士列為醫療輔助品,可被指定為減重產品。(Medical Device)







食用30天後,如仍想繼續減肥,休息五天後可再吃。Slim Reduce可室溫存放。不含麩質素食產品。



SlimReduce 5-in-1+ 膠囊只有按照說明使用才會有效。
抗甜食抗脂肪抗卡路里 (1,2) 抗零食 (2) 飽腹感 (3)+ 重新平衡腸道菌群 (4)
適應功能:SlimReduce Weight Loss 5-in-1 + 是一種僅供成人使用的醫療輔助品,適用於減肥和預防肥胖。
作用機制:Acti Ball+ 專利複合物由 100% 天然纖維組成。 該複合物被釋放到胃中並形成一個網狀物,從你吃的食物中捕獲一些甜食和脂肪。 因此,它減少了熱量攝入 (1,2)(高達 -462 kcal/天 (2))和飢餓感 (3)(延長效果長達 4 小時 (2))。 為了顯著有效地減輕體重,Acti Ball+ 具有益生元作用,可以改變和重新平衡腸道有益菌群的組成 (4)。 在肥胖人群中,這種菌群很差,而且不是很多樣化。 這是與肥胖相關的健康問題的原因之一:心血管、腸道、運輸、炎症。通過恢復腸道有益菌群,Acti Ball+ 增強了其減肥 (3) 和減少卡路里的作用 (  1,2) 有效應對超重和預防肥胖。
(1) 纖維複合物 Acti Ball+ 捕獲 4 種脂肪食物中所含脂肪的有效性的體外研究。 研究 n°F02843/01LA,02/2011。
(2) 在體外模擬十二指腸消化過程中,評估纖維複合物 Acti Ball+ 對全餐中所含脂質和甜食的作用。 研究 n°E85068-03/06CL,03/2015。
(3) 對 25 名超重者連續 30 天進行的開放標籤臨床評估,沒有任何推薦的飲食。 協議編號 010816,06/2012。
(4) 纖維複合物 Acti Ball+ 益生元效應評價的體外短期研究。 研究編號 2015190/D252/5,01/2017。

減肥(體重指數25<30的超重人士:每天兩次,在2次主餐前用一杯水服用3粒。建議服食時間為連續30天(1盒)。然後可以 中斷服食 5 天後,最多再服食 30 天。
控制體重並克服飲食過量: 為保持體重或在特殊情況下,當您享用豐盛的高脂肪餐時(例如假期、週末等),在餐前服用 3 粒膠囊和一杯水。
成分:100% 植物纖維 ActiBall+(燕麥)。 膠囊外殼:羥丙基甲基纖維素、抗結塊:硬脂酸鎂。 這種複合物不含防腐劑不含麩質
使用注意事項:不要在沒有醫生建議的情況下給 16 歲以下的兒童、孕婦或哺乳期婦女服用。 如果您的體重指數 (BMI) 低於 18.5,請勿使用。 由於本產品可能會影響血糖水平,我們建議糖尿病患者最終調整治療以避免低血糖危機或聽取常規醫生的建議。 在開始服用本產品之前,請先諮詢您的醫生或藥劑師。 如果您正在服用其他藥物(如避孕藥)、維生素或必需脂肪酸,建議您在服用這兩種產品之間至少間隔 4 小時。 為了提供足夠的必需脂肪酸和脂溶性維生素(A、D、E 和 K)的攝入量,建議每天服用本產品不超過 2 餐。 不要超過 6 粒膠囊的推薦日劑量。 過量攝入該產品不會增加其作用,但會導致潛在的副作用。 本產品必須在健康生活方式的範圍內使用,不得用作多樣化和均衡飲食的替代品。 不要打開、咀嚼或咬膠囊,或讓它們在口中溶解。
禁忌症:不建議對胡蘿蔔、蘋果或燕麥過敏或不耐受的人使用。 如果您對配方中的一種化合物過敏或不耐受,請勿使用。
減肥和飲食建議:保持均衡飲食和適度攝入脂肪和碳水化合物(其中包括糖)很重要。 應優先選擇富含維生素和礦物質的食物。 運動有助於增加卡路里消耗和分解脂肪。
儲存條件: 置於兒童接觸不到的地方。 存放於陰涼乾燥處。 避免陽光直射並保存在原包裝中。

SlimReduce 5 in 1
Please carefully read the directions below. The SlimReduce 5 in 1 capsules will only be effective if they are used according to the instructions.
The SlimReduce 5-in-1+ capsules will only be effective if they are used according to the instructions.
Slim Reduce Weight Loss 5-in-1 +
Anti-sugars Anti-fats Anti-calories (1,2) Anti-snacking (2) Satiety (3)
+ Re-equilibrate the intestinal flora (4)
Indication: SlimReduce Weight Loss 5-in-1 + is a medical device for adults only and indicated for weight loss and prevention of obesity.
Mechanism of action: Acti Ball+ patented com- plex consists of 100% natural fibres. The complex is released into the stomach and forms a mesh that captures some of the sweet and fats from the food intake you eat. Thus, it reduces the caloric intake (1,2) (up to -462 kcal/day (2)) and the feeling of hunger (3) (extended effect up to 4h (2)). For a visible and effective weight loss, Acti Ball+ presents a prebiotic effect which changes and re-equilibrates the composition of the intestinal beneficial flora (4). This flora is poor and not very diversified in obese people. This is one of the causes of health problems related to obesity: car- diovascular, intestinal, transit, inflammatory. By restoring intestinal beneficial flora, Acti Ball+ enhances its action on weight loss (3) and calorie reduction (1,2) to act efficiently on the overweight and prevention of obesity.
(1) In vitro study of effectiveness of capture of fats contained in 4 fatty foods by the fibre complex Acti Ball+. Study n°F02843/01LA, 02/2011.
(2) Evaluation of the action of the fibre complex Acti Ball+ on lipids and sweet contained in a complete meal during the in vitro simulation of the duodenal digestion. Study n°E85068-03/06CL, 03/2015.
(3) Open-label clinical evaluation conducted on 25 overweight people for 30 consecutive days without any recommended diet. Protocol n°010816, 06/2012.
(4) In vitro short-term study of evaluation of the prebiotic effect of the fibre complex Acti Ball+. Study n°2015190/D252/5, 01/2017.
To lose weight (for overweight people with 25 BMI<30: Take 3 capsules twice a day with a glass of water just before the 2 main meals. The duration of advised treatment is 30 consecutive days (1 box). Then the treatment can be renewed after a break of 5 days for a maximum of further 30 days.
To control your weight and overcome dietary excesses: To maintain your weight or on special occassions, when you partake in a rich and fatty meal (eg holidays, weekend, ...) take 3 capsules with a glass of water just before the meal.
Ingredients: 100% vegetable fiber ActiBall+ (oat). Envelope of capsule: hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, anti-caking: magnesium stearate. This complex has no preservatives and is gluten free.
Precautions for use: Do not give to children under 16 years, pregnant or nursing women without medical advice. Do not use if your Body Mass Index (BMI) is under 18.5. As this medical device may have an influence on blood sugar levels, we recommend diabetic people to eventually adjust their treatment to avoid a hypoglycæmia crisis or to take advice from their regular doctors. In case of current treatment, take advice from your doctor or your pharmacist before starting the treatment of this medical device. It is recommended that if you are taking other medicines (such as con- traceptives), vitamins or essential fatty acids you should leave at least 4 hours between taking the 2 products. In order to provide sufficient intake of essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K), it is not advisable to take this medical device at more than 2 meals per day. Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage of 6 capsules. An excessive intake of this product does not increase its action but can cause potential side effects. This medical device must be used in the scope of a healthy lifestyle and must not be used as a substitute to a varied and balanced diet. Do not open, chew or bite the capsules, or let them dissolve in the mouth.
Contraindications: Not recommended for per- sons allergic or intolerant to carrot, apple or oat. Do not use if you have an allergy to or intolerance of one of the compounds present in the formula.
Side effect: Consumption of excess fibre can sometimes cause intestinal side effects such as bloating, constipation or accelerated intestinal transit.
Weight loss and dietary advice: It is important to maintain a balanced diet and moderate con- sumption of fats and carbohydrates (of which sugars). Foods rich in vitamins and minerals should be favoured. Practise physical exercise that helps increase calorie consumption and break down of fat.
Storage conditions: Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool and dry place. Keep out of direct sunlight and in its original packaging.
180 oral capsules(30 days )  Net Weight :50.88g            

營養資料/Nutrition Information      每/per100克/g 

每盒淨重:50.88克/g   180粒/capsules(30日/days)

 熱量/Ene     熱量/Energy 千卡/kcal) 145, 總脂肪/Total Fat 1.8 克/g, 胞和脂肪Saturated fat 1.7克/g,   

反式脂肪/Trans fat 0.00克/g, 碳水化合物/Carbohydrates 85.7克/g, 糖/Sugars 1.5 克/g,

蛋白質/Protein 0.8 克/g, /Sodium 122亳克/mg, 膳食 纖維/Dietary fibre54.3克/g


如末開封保存乾燥陰涼環境下/If kept sealed in a cool, dry place,

此日期前最佳(年/月): 見包裝上 Best Before(YYYY/MM):Seen on package

“This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease. ”




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