Applied through massage, relaxes & restores the body's natural energy & ability to move comfortably. Eases headaches & muscle pain, as well as an itchy throat by gentle massage outside the throat. Soothes gum pain, flu symptoms, and acne in scalp.
Tension that causes headaches and migraines: Apply 24 Herbal Oil on temples, behind the ears and on the nape of the neck.
Dizziness or drowsiness: Rub 1 drop of 24 Herbal Oil under your nose and breath deeply to inhale its refreshing and revitalising scent.
Discomfort associated with food intake: Apply warm compresses or massages on the pit of the stomach.
Minor Warts: Apply 24 Herbal Oil directly on the wart for several days to minimize its appearance.
Nausea: Rub one drop of 24 Herbal Oil under your nose and breathe deeply to inhale its refreshing and revitalising scent that dulls feelings of nausea.
A very small amount (the residue on the cap is enough) just outside the nose will provide smooth breathing and a bright mood throughout the day, even under a mask!
This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons
Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim
made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such
registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or
prevent any disease.
瑞士古老配方,混合24種優質植物精華油,成為世界上最高級的 "複方植物油"。可用作香薰油燃點、香薰浴、肌肉疲勞、頭暈肚痛、減輕傷風不適,令呼吸暢順、並能緩和緊張不安的情緒,有助消除失眠、亦可用作口腔衛生清潔劑、或口腔有”飛滋”時可直接塗在患處。 主要成份: 茴芹、松脂、玉桂、茴香、桉樹、雲杉、留 蘭香、檸檬草、丁香、香橙、胡椒薄荷、迷 迭香、百里香、鼠尾草等。
2. 用作香薰浴,只需8-10小滴。
3. 傷風感冒時,在胸口或背部按摩,可令呼吸暢順。
4. 用2-3滴萬用植物油與1杯清水混和,用於漱口,能徹底清潔口腔,緩和牙肉發炎腫痛。
5. 把5滴植物油倒進1杯熱水中,直接呼吸從杯外擴散的蒸氣,持續約5分鍾,可舒緩傷風咳嗽、鼻塞等不適。
6. 塗在蚊蟲咬傷處,能消除痕癢,退紅腫發炎。
7. 生飛滋、牙肉發炎,可用棉棒直接塗在患處,每小時數次,數小時後腫痛便會消失。
8. 護理暗瘡、黑頭、粉刺後,止血消紅腫。
* 由於產品取自天然植物,沒有加入人工氣味,因此可能不同批次會有小許味道之不同。