**酸性體質 百病叢生**
An on-going process with major health consequences: Hyperacidity!
Did you know that most health problems and chronic illnesses are preceded by a hyperacidity of the organism?
As a result of modern diets and lifestyles, our organism nowadays has to deal with substantially more acidity than it can cope with, leading to numerous ailments.
The key to a balanced acid-base metabolism is therefore alkaline minerals and trace elements. These have to be provided to the body through your diet, as it is unable to produce them itself. But here lies the central problem of the “acid ills”. Our modern diet is dominated by acid- generating foods made of grain, dairy and meat products, and includes few alkaline forming minerals and trace elements. In addition, a lack of exercise and stress also encourage hyperacidity. The organism becomes skewed and attempts to address the imbalance, as on the one hand:
- excess acid, which can no longer be neutralised and removed, is temporarily stored inside the body.
and on the other hand,
- the body’s own alkaline mineral reserves in bones, cartilage, tendons and other mineral-rich tissue has to be broken down, which in turn is then missing.
This is a vicious circle as the excess acidity means that the body needs substantially more minerals to neutralise the acid. But with today’s diet these reserves can no longer be topped up and there is a chronic lack of minerals. To ensure that an acidic temporary store does not become permanent damage, sufficient supply of vital alkaline substances is essential.
If you do not want to allow this acidity and aim to keep your health in balance, you should ensure that you supply your body with a sufficient quantity of alkaline minerals, as they exist in optimal combination and bioavailability in MedoBalance. A special alkaline mix includes a unique composition of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, zinc, manganese and selenium – the “7 musketeers” when it comes to neutralising acidity. Every one of these minerals fulfils important tasks in the metabolism of the organism.
Together in this combination, they ideally support a balanced acid-base metabolism for more vitality, energy and well-being.
As the ingredients are natural, the smell may differ between batches slightly, but the effect remains the same.