*平衡敏感肌膚。 *高科技的微細分子結構,是敏感肌膚最渴求擁有的修復面霜。
可持續護膚大趨勢:鋁管護膚品(Aluminum tube) ,讓你踏上環保護膚先驅第一步。Plastic Free!無塑! 可完全密封存氣,預防氧化,保存產品的最佳質量。抵禦溫度變化,不會吸收護膚品的化學成份,不會改變配方的功效,阻止污染和腐蝕。
抗敏修護霜 (含牛初乳成份) CH-4244 Colostrum Dermacell Cream 100ml 突破世界護膚成份基準,將天然‘牛初乳’的無窮修護功效,把問題皮膚徹底改善。夏天出入冷氣間的溫度變化,季節轉變,皮膚往往紅斑點點,乾燥但暗瘡驟來。以上種種問題均能迎刃而解。就算再敏感的濕疹亦可得到舒緩。 初乳的奧秘: 是專為保護新生命的天然資源,只有在新生命誕生的首72小時才可獲得。 免疫因子: 証明能抵抗,細菌,敏感源。 免疫球蛋白: 初乳內含5種免疫球蛋白,lgA,lgD,lgE,lgG及lgM,有良好消炎作用,增加抗敏能力。 抗體: 抵抗多種皮膚問題,增加皮膚保護能力。 P R P: 平衡/平復過敏。 E G F: 令皮膚青春重新的重要成份。 多種維他命及礦物質: 滋養肌膚,保持光彩亮麗。 用法: 早晚塗在清潔的皮膚上。不需要塗其他任何精華素,當然你亦可把這珍貴的面霜,用作你日常的潤手霜,以抵抗歲月在你雙手留下的印記。 *亦適合嚴重受創皮膚使用,如燒傷、燙傷、刀傷、大面積擦傷;傷口癒合後,立即每天塗用2次,可減少皮膚凹凸不平滑情況,均勻受創膚色,減淺疤痕印。
The natural treatment for itchy skin conditions----with no antibiotics or cortisone
This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claimm ade for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.
Colostrum DermaCell Cream is a new natural formula to fight nuisance skin conditions including:
* Eczema
* Excellent makeup base--no problems with rubbery residues
* Redness
* Scaly skin
* Itchy flaky patches
The powerful, effective cream conquers annoying itching and works deep down by its high-tech molecular composition to soothe irritation and regenerate skin leaving it healthier and refreshed, particularly regarding the face and eyes. Unlike typical treatment for these conditions, DermaCell does not contain cortisone or antibiotics but instead has totally natural ingredients to relieve skin without the need for chemicals or .
Happy Customers
"Colostrum DermaCell has become part of my daily life and I can't imagine being without it since it allows me to live my life free from pain and I am able to wear dresses where I can show a bit of skin. There is no better ointment for me." Mrs Renata Caprez
Features & details
Natural relief from dry, irritated skin and painful conditions
Use daily to relieve irritation and replenish moisture in the skin
No cortisone, antibiotics or steroids
Suitable for all types of skin
As the ingredients are natural, the smell may differ between batches slightly, but the effect remains the same.